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Ritual and Liturgy

A Blessing for Transitioning Genders
by Rabbi Elliot Kukla, 2006

A Blessing for Chest Binding
by Rabbi Elliot Kukla and Ari Lev Fornari, 2006

Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Wedding Service
by Rabbi Elliot Kukla, 2006

A Pre-Surgery (or any other transition) Mikveh Ritual
by Max K. Strassfeld and Andrew Ramer, 2009

Essay, Sermons & Poems

Torah In Transition
by Professor Joy Ladin

Poems for a Gender Transition Ritual
by Professor Joy Ladin

On Becoming A Woman
by Qalonymos ben Qalonymos, 1322

Becoming A Good Boy: A Transmasculine Meditation On Gendered Ritual Objects and The Challenges of Transfeminism
by Max K. Strassfeld
published in Balancing on the Mechitza: Transgender in Jewish Community, Noach Dzmura, ed., North Atlantic Books, 2010

Transgender Sensitive Spiritual Care
Rabbi Elliot Kukla, 2012

The Holiness of Twilight
by Rabbi Reuben Zellman, 2006
delivered at Congregation Sha'ar Zahav, San Francisco, California

Erev Rosh Hashanah 5767

To Wear is Human: Parshat Ki Tzeit
by Rabbi Reuben Zellman and Rabbi Eliot Kukla, 2006

How I Met the Timtum
by Rabbi Elliot Kukla, 2006

Terms for Gender Diversity in Classical Jewish Texts
by Rabbi Elliot Kukla, 2006

Aggada (The Way We Tell Our Stories): Text Study on Bereshit Rabbah 8:1
by Rabbi Elliot Kukla, 2006

Gender Diversity in Halacha (The Way We Walk): Mishna and Tosefta
by Rabbi Elliot Kukla, 2006

Created by the Hand of Heaven: Making Space for Intersex Jews
by Rabbi Elliot Kukla and Reuben Zellman, 2007

ReMapping the Road From Sinai
A conversation between by Rabbi Elliot Kukla and Judith Plaskow
published in Sh’ma: A Journal of Jewish Responsibility, December 2007

Making Your Jewish Community Transgender-Friendly
by Reuben Zellman and Rabbi Elliot Kukla, 2007

Room To Grow
by Rabbi Elliot Kukla, 2007
delivered at the URJ Symposium on Gender and Jewish Education

Becoming: Jewish Transgender Theology, Poetry, and
The Book of Psalms

by Professor Joy Ladin

TransTexts: Exploring Gender in Jewish Sacred Texts
a project of Jewish Mosaic, by Reuben Zellman and Rabbi Elliot Kukla

No Longer Strangers?
by Reuben Zellman, 2008
delivered at the Metropolitan Community Church, San Jose, California

Trans Etiquette/Respect/Support 101
by Micah Bazant, 2002


Joy Ladin on Transgender Judaism (part 1), 2011

Joy Ladin on Transgender Judaism (part 2), 2011

Encountering Sacred Texts
workshop presented by Joy Ladin, Shannon Kearn and Rev. Dr. Lynn Walker at the 2012 Philadelphia Transgender Health Conference

Joy Ladin speaks on LGBT inclusion at Jewish organizations, 2011

Joy Ladin teaching on psalms and transformation, 2012.

Rabbi Reuben Zellman and Cantor Sharon Bernstein perform a Transgender Contata

Click to downoad a PDF of any image, and please be patient, they may take a moment to download.

Gender neutral bathroom sign, by Micah Bazant – perfect for your synagogue, retreat center, summer camp, or just about anywhere!
Prints to 8.5"x14" legal size paper.

Images from Timtum: A trans jew zine, by Micah Bazant, 1999

blockprint of rowboat

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